Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Elaine's bibliographic suggestions, round two

Evan's website museum:
Matthew Kirschenbaum, *Mechanism: New Media and the Forensics of the Image* argues that digital media are material.

Crow's duct tape museum:
www.madehow.com on duct tape for a detailed sense of how it is made

Sam's broom museum:
D. Rozenszbrock, *Brush* a catalogue of brushes, including brooms, from an exhibit I saw a few years ago.

Emily's pneumatic tube museum:
Patricia Conway George, "Mass Transit: Problem and Promise," Design Quarterly (1968) I found this on jstor after learning that first NYC subway was a pneumatic tube.

George's aspirin museum:
For the history of worker unrest at Bayer (where canny chemists invented both heroin and aspirin a few weeks apart):
Craig Patton, "'Proletarian Protest'?: Skill and Protest in the German Chemical Industry, 1914-1924." Journal of Social History 1992

Jordan's condom museum:
Ramasamy, P. *Plantation labour, Unions, Capital and the State in Peninsular Malaysia* (Oxford 1994). Back to the rubber of the rubber.

Nuper's flannel museum:
I. Peate, "Welsh Folk Industries," Folklore 1933 (jstor)
One fabric brings together the history of industrialization in Wales, lumberjacks and lesbians--what a textile.

Hans's rubber stamp museum:
Search the etymology of the verb "to rubber stamp" in American and English dictionaries. Correlate with rise of bureaucracy?

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