Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I will be writing on the submarine.



Rich JC said...

Etymologically, submarine can mean that one is located in the ocean, and therefore one is 'under'. But it also means that one is under the marine itself. Then where are you?

I think that the submarine provides an interesting perspective on the 'sub' or the 'under' in general, and perhaps allows one to complexify and tease out the various contradictions contained in the classification of 'sub'.

obviously, sandwiches too.

ThingTheory said...

I'd say that between the general human awe of the vast sea and the nagging fear of what might be concealed beyond view the 'submarine' necessarily invokes both the conspiracy (the submarine base, the nuclear sub) and the mythological (kraken, atlantis). Under the sea is an area as much of fantasy and imaginings as anything else.

ThingTheory said...

--Evan (above)

patrick nagle said...

submarine nationalism:

I think that sea monsters and mermaids might be an interesting place to look as far as submarine fantasies go. For literature, an obvious choice is Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.