Monday, September 29, 2008

Jordan's JStore citations

Thus far, I've made a relatively solid decision to construct my literary museum around glass pipes - including both their history, interplay with marijuana, and subsequent social ramifications. Hence, I have begun my research on these realms - utilizing primarily JStore. 


Dell, Deena, and Judith Snyder. "Marijuana: Pro and Con" The American Journal of Nursing 77(1977): 630-635.
Eisen, Gustavus. "The Origin of Glass Blowing." American Journal of Archaeology 20(1916): 134- 143
Navias, Louis. "Review of Scientific and Industrial Glass Blowing and Laboratory Techniques." Science, New Series 109(1949)
Schwarz, Conrad, and John Kaplan. "Effects of Marijuana Use." Science, New Series 180(1973): 1121-1122.

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