Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Duct Tape Museum

I took a whirlwind tour of JSTOR, Google, Google Scholar, Josiah, Wikipedia, and the depths of my own collection of associations, and here are some things with which I came up:

Apollo 13. Dir. Ron Howard. Perf. Tom Hanks and Kevin Bacon. 1995.

Constantine, Denny G. "Batproofing of Buildings by Installation of Valvelike Devices in Entryways". The Journal of Wildlife Management April 1982: 507-513.

Davis, Jeffrey L.. "A Device to Safely Remove Immobilized Mountain Lions from Trees and Cliffs". Wildlife Society Bulletin Autumn 1996: 537-539.

D.C. "Duct Tape Sticks It to Warts". Science News November 16 2002: 317.

And just in case Apollo 13 doesn't count as a source, here's this, too:

Priest, Dana, and Dan Eggen. "Terror Suspect Alleges Torture: Detainee Says U.S. Sent Him to Egypt Before Guantanamo."Washington Post 6 Jan. 2005: A01.

- Crow Jonah Norlander


ThingTheory said...

I don't know if this would fit into your research, but there is a yearly scholarship competition for prom outfits (even shoes!) made of duct tape: http://www.stuckatprom.com/contests/prom/archive.asp


ThingTheory said...

It seems like you already have studied this some, but the medical applications of duct tape seems like an interesting thing to explore.
one obscure use is to remove Bot Flies. Don't watch this if you are squeamish.